One way to celebrate the life of a loved one is to ask family and friends to make a donation at their funeral service. Often people choose to make a donation in lieu of flowers.
If you are a family member making funeral arrangements and would like to support ECHO at the funeral service, please speak to your funeral director who can help arrange this. There could be a cash collection at the funeral service or often cheques are given directly to the funeral director who will collect them and send them to the ECHO office after the funeral, with a covering letter. Upon receipt a thank you letter will then be sent to the next of kin.
Cheques will need to be made payable to Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation Limited.
You can set up a ‘Someone Special’ page with JustGiving dedicated to raising money for charities in support or in-memory of someone close to your heart.
Online Donations are easy to manage and donations raised go directly to ECHO, you do not have to collect or send in.