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ACT NOW and promote ECHO to the Premier League all the way to Chelsea Football Club at Stamford Bridge!

Voting is open now - vote for us and drum up support by sharing the following link with your friends and family - remember to vote for: "Evelina Children's Heart Organisation".

Voting will close at midday on Wedneday 22nd August - the winning charity will win a Bucket Collection throughout match day on Saturday 1st September.

ECHO receives no NHS or Government funding and relies entirely on donations.  This collection would help us support children with heart conditions and their families, as they face a lifetime of uncertainty and medical tests and procedures.

The BLUES are already in the Premier League - we need your help to get us there too.

There are some big charities on the list, so your help is URGENT AND CRUCIAL.

Canterbury House
1 Royal Street

Tel: 0207 998 4710
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ECHO is a Registered Charity No. 1146494 | © ECHO Evelina Children's Heart Organisation
